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Kategorie:GRAFENTHAL R2210 S2

Keine Änderung der Größe, 08:32, 24. Jul. 2018
Firmware Update R2210 S2
execute command: ''afudos BIOS.bin /b /p /n /x /me'' to update BIOS and ME, for BIOS.bin – bin files of the new BIOS version, <br>
an example is as shown in the following figure:
When there’s no change in ME part, to update BIOS part, it is only required to <br>
and enter command: ''/afulnx_64 BIOS.BIN /P /B /N / X /R''<br>
while an example is as shown in the following figure:<br>
When there’s any change in ME part, to update BIOS part, it is required to execute command: ''afudos BIOS.bin /b /p /n /x /me''<br>
Run AUWINGUI.EXE tool, as shown in the following figure<br>
Click the Open button, after selecting the BIOS.bin file to update, system <br>
enters Setup interface automatically.<br>
Select Program all Blocks and Do Not Check ROM ID options on Setup interface, <br>
and executes BIOS update accordingly according to colors shown on the right, <br>
thus BIOS update is done as shown in the following figure:<br>